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Thursday, March 10, 2011


So aside from my husband's car incident last night, I have also had 1 sick child, 1 child with strep infection in his finger, husband's uncle with flesh eating bacteria which required half his leg to be amputated, multiple kids activities and appointments as well as 2 appointments of my own which had been rescheduled b/c kids were sick the week I was initially supposed to have them.  Throw in the fact that hubby was out of town for work all weekend and the fact that it has rained for 4 of the past 5 days, and you can see why the only term to describe life this week is "chaotic."

Anyway, HAPPY THURSDAY and time for many NEW CHALLENGES and FUN at DIGITAL DELIGHTS.  First of all, it is time for our DT to showcase our work at DIGITAL DELIGHTS BLOG.  I hope you will check them out.  The DT are simply AMAZING and have created many FABULOUS projects again this week.  If you have a chance, please stop by their individual blogs and leave them some love:)

Next, please join me at DIGI DAY at DIGITAL DELIGHTS SNR GROUP.  Our challenge over there is St. Patrick's Day plus sparkle and/or shine and we even provide a FREEBIE for you to play along!!  Hope to see you there:)

There is also a NEW CHALLENGE going on at DELIGHTFUL CHALLENGES so I hope you will visit there and play along with that challenge as well.

My card today features DIGITAL DELIGHTS image "Daisy with Bunny Ears." I have sat her in the egg which is part of DIGITAL DELIGHTS Easter Accessories pack, have colored them both with Copics and Atyou Spicas and cut using Nellie's die.  Sentiment is from DIGITAL DELIGHTS Marlooney's Quirky Quips that I colored with Copics and cut with scissors.  Base paper is Bazzill textured and all DP is DIGITAL DELIGHTS digi papers.  Blingt flowers are from Petaloo and lace is from JoAnn.  Thanks so much for looking!

Other challenges entered:
SOME ODD GIRL - think spring
FAB N' FUNKY - girly


Mel said...

Hi honey fab wee card!
Love the gorjuss colours!
I have sent you a wee email, after your win at Dream Valley Challenges! Check your wee spam incase its there!
Hugs Melly xxx

Wendy Hall said...

This is superb:)The papers look great with it too:)

Sarah Rice said...

very cute and springy!

Thanks for playing with us at Some Odd Girl

Anonymous said...

Very cute!!! Love your colors! Unfortunately this challenge at Some Odd Girl is a Some Odd Girl Only Challenge meaning you have to use one of our Digis to play along. I hope you'll make a new entry and share it with us!

cheryl said...

this is one cute image,love the papers you have used,too, bless you for playing at the pixie cottage this week,love cherylx

Sharon said...

Lovely card.
Thanks for joining us at Fab 'n' Funky this week, hope to see you again soon.
Sharon x

Katie said...

Great Easter card!
Thanks for playing in The Pixie Cottage this week :)

Larisa said...

Great card! Love the punched edges of white paper. The card has a fantastic effect with it)